In my own words

I need the Essay by 03/11/2021 Complete the following 2 case scenarios . Your answer must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS no sources to be utilized

(1 page each scenario, double space 12 font size-Times New roman)


Real-Life Applications:

Case Scenario One

Your mother has a chronic healthcare condition that requires many visits to her healthcare provider. She recently changed jobs, which will require your family to move to a new state. She is also afraid that she will not receive healthcare insurance from her new company and is worried about finding a new provider to take care of her.


Explain to her about the new healthcare reform bill and how that will impact her situation.

Case Scenario Two

You have two elderly relatives who you think are not being treated well by their nursing home. You are not sure what to do. You speak to your parents about it and they suggest you research this issue. They know there are some mandates in the ACA regarding elderly care.


Perform research regarding the Elder Justice Act to determine if there are any solutions to this problem.

(1 page each scenario, double space 12 font size-Times new roman)