In the text, Chapter 11 reviews the best practices used by thousands of organizations around the world to organize, plan, and deliver spoken content outlined in “The Fifth Moment: Presentations”. Focu

In the text, Chapter 11 reviews the best practices used by thousands of organizations around the world to organize, plan, and deliver spoken content outlined in “The Fifth Moment: Presentations”. Focus on the Four-Step outline to complete the following activity.


For each of the following statements, respond in 1—2 paragraphs:

  1. Explain how the Four-Step Outline concept can serve as a fundamental framework for structuring various types of presentations, from internal updates to external sales pitches.
    1. Four-Step Outline (Tell what, Tell why, Tell, Tell what has been told)
  2. Provide a detailed breakdown of how a leader can apply each outline step to create a compelling and coherent presentation that captures the audience’s attention, conveys critical messages, and achieves the desired impact.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.