In this discussion topic, we will explore some resources that are designed to help students understand the concept of a literature review. Please browse these resources and then complete the discussion post below.


In this discussion topic, we will explore some resources that are designed to help students understand the concept of a literature review. Please browse these resources and then complete the discussion post below.

  • the  article by Ted Zorn and Nittaya Campbell, “Improving the Writing of  Literature Reviews through Literature Integration Exercise” — this  article is available in the e-reserves section of this class. To access  the article, please take the following steps:
  • click Content
  • select Class Resources
  • select eReserves
  • select the icon for eReserves in the middle of your page.
  • in the list of items that appears, locate this article and download it.
  • the  tutorial from The University of North Carolina on writing literature  reviews. It is linked to at the top of the Content for this week.
  • the  tutorial from UMGC’s Effective Writing Center on writing the literature  review. It is linked to at the top of the Content for this week.


After  reviewing the material on the Literature Review posted above, please  return to your annotated bibliography, or your last assignment, and  begin developing “categories” to help you to organize your sources. Post  one category below and list several sources that might fill that  category. Remember that some sources may fall into more than one  category. Please feel free to post questions or concerns because your  instructor wants to help you.

Requirements: 2 to 3 pages