In this module we learned about comparing and contrasting subjects. We learned that you are looking at similarities and differences between them. Using what you have learned in this module write a compare and contrast essay on two subjects.

Be sure to consider the rhetorical situation (review in textbook – check index if you cannot find it) as well as the steps for writing a comparison and contrast essay.
Pay close attention to your paragraph structure; remember, each paragraph is a complete thought.  Be sure that each paragraph compares AND contrasts both entities.
Your essay should be between 1200-1500 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font size, APA style (go to for APA help)
Please post your essay in a Microsoft Word document to the dropbox below.
Be sure to use the following label when you save it: Your last name, the first initial of your first name, then CC Draft (ex:  RobinDCCDRAFT.doc) 
REMEMBER, the first page of this draft should be your outline (words from the outline do not count toward the word total)