In this module, we will be looking at curriculum and learning targets. We will be reading chapter 1 in the textbook and discussing . Review the learning materials to help you prepare to complete a c

In this module, we will be looking at curriculum and learning targets.  We will be reading chapter 1 in the textbook and discussing . 

Review the learning materials to help you prepare to complete a chapter review format which you will use for each chapter assignment as your notes for discussions. 

You will receive points for the chapter review notes as  and the discussion. 

You always  use the Chapter summary format included in the module. You will use this format each time. Be sure to read the instructions at the top of the format to remind you what to look for in the chapter.  Use it as the format foundation for discussion. 

learning materials

To get started , review the attached PP which gives you an overview of the course and instructions for completing the Chapter Review Response Format

  • EDUC 5303 Course PP  Overview and Instructions for Chapter review  – See in Module  WATCH USING YOUR TEXTBOOK
  • Also see Chapter One Example in the Module

Textbook The NEW Art and Science of Teaching by Robert Marzano ASCD 2017

Read Chapter 1 in the New Art and Science of Teaching.  You will turn in notes on this chapter to learn the structure of the textbook and prepare for the discussion.   Use the format in the format in the Module. Always download your format and complete it as a WORD doc . Then upload it in the assignment. 

Read the following article and respond in the discussion assignment. 

  • ASCD on Knowing Your Learning Target

Watch the video, The Wall.  While you watch, think about “What is Curriculum” and “Are we producing a product or a thinking seeker of knowledge?”

You will also respond to the videos in the reflection section at the bottom of your chapter review.

chapter 1 review


Here you will be completing chapter review notes  for Chapter 1 in The Art and Science of Teaching.

You can find the format for the chapter review format in the module. Remember to read instructions carefully and choose 2-3 Elements and one strategy from each element. 

You will also respond to the videos and article from the learning materials page, in the reflection section at the bottom of your chapter review. 

****second part discussion 

Discussion on Learning Targets and How We Use This as the GPS for Learning – Small Group Discussion 

Read the article assigned in the Learning Materials section of Module 2 and watch the 2 videos. 

Discussion topic and questions:

1)Share what you learned about how to use Learning Targets to create a more effective learning environment. How do you provide opportunities for students to ” perform their understanding”? 

2) Share a strategy you liked from Chapter One . 

3) See Discussion Rubric in Course Information Module

Be sure to use APA citing in your discussion. 

For example. when you refer to a point in the this assigned article, you would paraphrase… not copy…and then add ( Moss, Brookhart, & Long, 2011) at the end of your point. Add page numbers when you use a quote from the article. 

Reference is :

Moss, C., Brookhart, S., & Long, B. (2011). Knowing your leaning target. Educational Leadership,68(6), 66-69.