in your own words please and only use the articles the i provided Answer the questions below in a 3-5 double spaced essay (do not exceed 5 pages). Reinarman believes that drug scares are a recurring

in your own words please and only use the articles the i provided

Answer the questions below in a 3-5 double spaced essay (do not exceed 5 pages).

 Reinarman believes that drug scares are a recurring

phenomenon in American society and that the drug scare warrants

study in itself. Describe and explain the concept of a drug

scare. Why does Reinarman see drug scares as an important

reflection of American drug policy and popular attitudes toward

drugs and drug users.,+The+Social+Construction+of+Drug+Scares.pdf/file

In addition to the article specified in the question, please

choose another article from our course to help put the issues in

context and support your answer.,+Shocking+Numbers,+1993.pdf/file