Include a thoughtful reflection. Each discussion answer must be a minimum of 200 words in length. Thereafter, you are to respond to at least two classmates. Your responses must be at least 75 words ea

Include a thoughtful reflection. Each discussion answer must be a minimum of 200 words in length. Thereafter, you are to respond to at least two classmates. Your responses must be at least 75 words each. You will not be allowed to respond until you havecompleted and published your initial post. Credit will not be given for online discussionsafter the closing date for that week.

Rubric for Online Discussions_____ Initial Post–Content (50)—minimum of 200 words. Clearly connects to assignedtopic and exhibits critical thinking: application, reflection, synthesis, analysis, andevaluation._____ RESPONSES TO 2 OTHERS (30)—minimum of 75 words per response/responseis related to topic._____ Quality of writing (20)—includes grammar usage and punctuation/capitalization.

Discussion Questions to review for each chapter:2. Select any sports facility with which you are familiar. Identify the ways it could have been built more efficiently for security and maintenance.3. You are the AD at a 2,000 student high school. The gym has been destroyed by fire. You must make a presentation to the school board about planning for the replacement.4. Assume that you are a middle school coach. Draft a risk management plan for your sport.