Individual or group assessment:Individual

Weighting: 100%

Duration/Word count: 3,000 words

Individual or group assessment: Individual

Assessment description

If you failed the first submission for this assignment you have

the right to take a re-sit. Your mark will be capped at 50%.

For the re-sit you must choose one of the other campaigns for

the module – that is you cannot repeat the one you did for the

original assignment.

The 2 campaigns were:

A campaign to combat loneliness and isolation in older


Loneliness in Older People. 

According to the NHS older people are especially vulnerable to loneliness and

social isolation and this can have a significant impact on their mental and physical

health. The Age UK charity says that more than two million people in England over

the age of 75 live alone and more than a million older people say they go for over a

month without speaking to a friend, family member or neighbour. Your team has

been tasked with developing a campaign aimed combating social isolation targeting

older people themselves and their friends, neighbours and family and encouraging

social activities that will improve their mental and physical health.

A campaign to combat the stigma attached to mental

health problems among young men.

Men's Mental Health Campaign

According to the Office of National Statistics 2018 saw a significant increase in the

numbers of people committing suicide. Three quarters of suicide deaths are among

men and there has been an increase in the numbers of under 25s committing

suicide in recent years. Your team has been tasked with developing a campaign

aimed at reducing the stigma of mental health illnesses and encouraging young

men in particular to talk about their mental health and seek help if they are

struggling. You need to develop a sensitive but compelling campaign aimed at a

demographic that has traditionally been expected to "put on a brave face" and bottle

up their emotions.

Choose one of these two to rewrite

You should produce a 3,000 campaign strategy document for

your chosen campaign.

Further details of each of the campaigns can be found in the

"Weekly Content" section in Blackboard.

Please also see the marking grid in this section, and the

examples of past campaigns for guidance.