Information System Management Week 4

  Turnitin Requirements:

  1. For each discussion post submission, your similarity score must meet a threshold of no more than 10%.
  2. For resubmissions, it may take up to 24 hours for a new similarity score.

Forum Topic (Data)        800 Words

The objective of this discussion assignment is to identify a unique resource, share your opinion about it and engage in discussions with your classmates.

In this module, in Chapters 4, 7 and 11 you learned about data, database systems, data mining, Web 2.0, social media, crowdsourcing, etc. You also learned about business intelligence and understood how firms leverage data for meeting their business goals by studying the case of Walmart and Harrahs’ Casino.

For the “Discussion 3 Forum”, read the following question and provide your answer:

Identify a data source for a specific industry/firm/problem and explain how or why it can be leveraged strategically for the purpose or if it can be a source of competitive advantage for the entity concerned. Identify the entity or the problem that benefits by using the identified data source.

Note: The data source cannot be a social media page (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / etc.) . Some examples of data sources –

  • Online data repository
  • Online forums
  • Data shared by a firm publicly via their website
  • Location based data / Geolocation data
  • Earning call transcripts shared on the web

Note: You do not need to share or show the data, but you need to share the link to the data source. 

Support your answer with appropriate sources as needed.

(Note: References will not be counted in the word count, you can use any format MLA / APA. See the supporting guide on how to add citations in Word document in Module 2 if needed). 

 Turnitin Requirements:

  1. For each discussion post submission, your similarity score must meet a threshold of no more than 10%.
  2. For resubmissions, it may take up to 24 hours for a new similarity score.