Information Technology

In this discussion, identify your specialization in this program, and what are some of the ideas you have been thinking about as a topic area. Identity research you have located in the area. Please see below journals to help you get ideas as well. Make sure as you discuss your topic, it is supported by the literature.

Journal of the ACM

Communications of the ACM IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

Journal of Cryptology

Software and Systems Modeling

Journal of Machine Learning Research

IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering

Journal of Systems and Software

MIS Quarterly

Information Systems Research

Management Science

Journal of Management Info. Systems

Decision Sciences

Communications of the ACM

Decision Support Systems

European Journal of Info. Systems

ACM Transactions

Journal of AIS

Information Systems

ACM Computing Surveys

Journal of Information Systems

Journal of Strategic Info. Systems

Information and Management

Communications of the AIS

Journal of Database Management

Journal of Information Management


Journal of Computer Info. Systems

Info. Resources Management Journal

Journal of Management Systems

Journal of the ACM


Journal of Info. Systems Management

Journal of Information Science

Human-Computer Interaction

Operations Research

Interfaces (INFORMS)

Int’l Journal of Human-Computer Studies

Journal of Information Systems Educ.

Knowledge Based Systems

Journal of Operations Research

Journal of Data Base Administration

Journal of Systems and Software

Expert Systems with Applications

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision

Journal of Systems Management


Expert Systems Review

Journal of End-User Computing

Behavior and Information Technology

Communication Research


AI Expert

Journal of Software Maintenance

Computers and Automation

Computers in Human Behavior


In a 200-word document, describe your topic. Identify research in the area any models/theories developed in the area. Have you identified a cite problem/gap in this body of knowledge?

Are you considering doing a qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, project, etc., study, identify a possibly population to gather data from.