


Have you ever been in an event traffic jam such that you vowed never to attend the event again? Many people have experienced this example of poor planning. Certainly, the right traffic and parking plan can affect the success or failure of an event. Towns often require a traffic control plan in order to get permits to hold an event. Then the traffic control must be coordinated with local police.

In this assignment, you will apply infrastructure needs for an art fair event to designate an effective parking and traffic plan.

Address the following items based on the provided event map.


  • View the art fair and fundraising .
  • View the event and street layout. Then reviewing the traffic control checklist (see page 98, Figure 4.4 in the text), create a parking plan for the event.
  • Remember to designate specific areas for different groups (please specify) for parking and unloading, etc.
  • Provide instructions for where pedestrians will enter and exit versus where traffic will enter and exit the event.

Submission Requirements:

Respond in a minimum of a 1-page Microsoft Word document. Check your spelling and grammar before submission. Submit your document to the Dropbox.