Initial Thoughts

You have started working in ALEKS and in weeks 1 and 2 focused on the Course Readiness objective and the Consumer Math 1 objective. Please answer each question in a separate paragraph.

1.    How comfortable are you using ALEKS to learn the topics on your learning path? 

2.    What tools or resources within ALEKS have been effective in helping you master the week 1 and week 2 topics? 

3.   Using these directions can you see your percentage of learned topics in each open objective?

  • Click the 3 horizontal bars on left side of ALEKS screen
  • Click on Reports
  • Then Current Objective 
  • Then View Full Report

4.  Now explore what else you can access when you click the three horizontal bars.  Tell us all the items that will be important to you.

5.    How did your initial time management plan work out?  Did you need to make adjustments? 

6.   Are you “comfortable being uncomfortable” with new material?  This means you have a growth mindset and are open to new learning, even if it means being confused for a while and making some mistakes at first.  It’s OK to “get it wrong” and ask questions!  Visit Change your Mindset    () for some tips on becoming more comfortable facing new challenges that may feel frustrating to you.  If learning math makes you uncomfortable, what can you tell yourself so you feel more confident?

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