Instructional Method Article Search Assignment Now that you have chosen an instructional method (BLENDED LEARNING) to implement in your classroom, it is important that you find both articles that supp

Instructional Method Article Search Assignment

Now that you have chosen an instructional method (BLENDED LEARNING) to implement in your classroom, it is important that you find both articles that support your choice and articles that do not support your choice of method.  The goal of this assignment is for you to weigh the pros and cons of implementing a new instructional method in your classroom.  By researching articles that do not support your choice of instructional methods, you will become better prepared to address any stumbling blocks that may arise during the implementation of the instructional method.  In addition, the articles that do not support your choice may help you revise your choice of instructional method…..and that is the reason researching a new instructional method is important prior to implementation.

Use the following headings to complete the assignment.

Brief Description Of The Instructional Method I Chose (BLENDED LEARNING)

Summary Of Two Peer Reviewed Articles That Support The Research Topic

Summary Of Two Peer Reviewed Articles That Do Not Support The Research Topic

You must follow the seventh edition of APA.  This assignment must include a reference page.  You must check your TURITIN plagiarism level to ensure the level is BELOW 15%.  Once you upload your assignment, check the plagiarism level.  If it is above 15% you must revise the assignment and resubmit prior to the deadline.  The instructor will not allow you to revise the assignment due to a high level of plagiarism after the due date of the assignment.