Instructions In Unit VIII of this course, you will submit a final paper on a company of your choice. You will complete this paper over several units in this course. In this unit, you will be completi


In Unit VIII of this course, you will submit a final paper on a company of your choice. You will complete this paper over several units in this course. In this unit, you will be completing the first part of this project. For this first part of the project, follow the instructions below.Using the CSU Online Library, select a Fortune 500 company to research for your paper. Compose a brief paper that gives an overview of your company. Your paper should include the following: 

  • Introduce the type of company, what industry it is in, and any relevant background information.
  • Analyze the company’s current mission statement and vision statement.
  • Create a revised mission and vision statement.
  • Explain why the mission and vision statements were changed.
  • Summarize how the company’s actions are vision and mission driven. Describe how the organizational culture helps keep employees motivated in the company.

You will need to reference your textbook and at least one source from the CSU Online Library for this assignment. Your project must be a minimum of two full pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. You can locate official information about the Fortune 500 company of your choice in the Mergent Online database, which features company profile information about public and private companies alike. This database can be found on the A-Z Databases page in the library.