Instructions Management Action Plan (MAP): Final For this assignment, you will compile all five parts (from Units II–VI) of your project for submission as your finalized MAP. Part 1: Clarify a central


Management Action Plan (MAP): Final

For this assignment, you will compile all five parts (from Units II–VI) of your project for submission as your finalized MAP.

Part 1: Clarify a central problem or opportunity for improvement (OFI).

Part 2: Clarify your measureable goal.

Part 3: Prepare a list of possible actions.

Part 4: Analyze and prioritize key action steps.

Part 5: Organize your key action steps into a MAP. Address accountability, and develop measurement and monitoring.

Organize and present your MAP in a manner that is clear and concise. Your MAP should conclude by summarizing the overall process, applicable policy analysis, evaluation methods, and expected outcomes.

You should include any revisions based on professor feedback from previous units in your final MAP, as all parts will be considered for grading in this unit.

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