• A brief description of 1 career in the technology field.
    1. Describe each career in detail including:
      • Salary (based in MD, VA, and DC geographical area)
      • Education level or certification needed
      • Duties 
    2. What emerging technology (within the past 5 years) is used in the industry (your chosen career) to improve production or work flow. Please give the name and date technology was created.
    3. What are the ethical issues of both careers. Identify as related to the duties of the job and specific to the industry.  Do not give general examples. Give specific examples.
    4. Include 4 different references for each category below. 
    5. Cite your sources for where you retrieved salary, education level, duties, ethical issues, and emerging technologies information.
      Make sure you have in-text citation in your document for each.

      DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!  If you do, you will be reported. 

    • Title page
    • Table of Contents
    • Abstract
    • Body of paper with sources credited parenthetically
    • Reference page