INT 2240 Lab 1


Problem Statement:    Given four non-negative integers, display the integers using the IPv4 address format.================================================================================================
Input Data:

  • Have the user enter 4 non-negative integers at the keyboard
    • Each integer must be between 0 and 255
  • If any of the integers is less than 0 or greater than 255,
    • display an error message
    • have the user do the
    • inputting again, until the data in the proper range is entered


  • Set up a set of nested loops
    • The outer loop should control whether the user wants to continue or not
    • If the user wants to continue with the processing,
      • Set up the inner loop(s)
        • Have the user repeatedly enter 4 integers, one at a time 
          • If an entered integer is not in the proper range,
          • display an error message and have the user do the inputting again, 
          • until the data in the proper range is entered 
        • Display each of the non-negative integers, along with an appropriate message 
        • Display the integers formatted as an IPv4 address

Output Data:

  • Display each of the non-negative integers, along with an appropriate message
  • Display the integers formatted as an IPv4 address

Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.

For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to

  • Set up code to do the following:
    • prompt the user for the input data asked for (as explained above within the Input Data section)
    • If the data is not valid, then let the user know and try again
    • Once valid data is entered, set up the entered data, formatted as an IPv4 address
    • Repeat the above process as needed
  • compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
  • run (ie, no run-time error(s))
  • provide the output data (as explained above within the Output Data section) to the user

For your solution to be workable,

  • Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
  • you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
  • you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm

==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:

  • You’ll receive full credit, if 
    • your program
      • compiles and runs with no problems 
      • produces the expected output
  • You’ll receive partial credit, if 
    • your program
      • compiles and runs with no problems 
      • produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
  • You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
  • You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
  • You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)