Integrated Criminal Justice Capstone Project

write about any of the topics below. The format that is asked for is under file. Assignment must be 20 pages long. 



(You can select one or part of one or mix them up etc)

The Role of Police in America

Police Corruption

Police Use of Force 

Community Oriented Policing

Problem Oriented Policing

Police Use of Force

Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment what did we learn?

Police Officer Drug Testing Programs in Georgia

Sexual Harassment within the Police

Women in Georgia Police Organizations

Causes of Police Corruption in Georgia

Police Citizen Review Boards in Georgia

Racial or Ethnic Profiling in Georgia

Public Safety Radio Communications Issues in Georgia

Legal Issues in Policing

Police Suicide

New Technology in Policing (pick a particular product to research)

Minority Recruiting in Policing

Police Pursuit Practices

Police Training

Police Use of Taser Weapons in Georgia

Police Use of Non-Deadly Force Weapons in Georgia 

Use of Front Wheel vs. Rear Wheel Drive Police Vehicles

School Violence Prevention Programs in Georgia

Relationship of Contemporary Entertainment to Violence

Investigating Dog Fighting in Georgia

Domestic Violence in Georgia

TV and Violence