integument unit


Adult Health 1 Study Guide

Integumentary Unit 

Chapter 60-61

Remember that assigned textbook readings should be supplemental to reviewing & studying the Powerpoint presentations. Answers to these study guide questions can be obtained from the textbook chapters, powerpoint presentations, as well as class lectures & in-class activities. 

Chapter 60 Assessment of Integumentary Function

1. What are the three layers of the skin?

2. What are the main functions of the skin? 

3. Was is important to include when taking a health history from a patient regarding their skin? Review Chart 60-2 for questions to ask patients. 

4. The physical assessment of the skin should include use of which two assessment techniques? What skin characteristics need to be noted while utilizing these two techniques? 

5. How are skin lesions, wounds, abnormalities often times diagnosed? 

Chapter 61 Management of Patients with Dermatologic Disorders

1. What is the most common symptom of patients with dermatologic disorders? 

Bacterial skin infections: Impetigo, Folliculitis, Furunculosis, Carbuncle, Cellulitis 

2. How does impetigo typically present itself? Is this condition more common in adults of children?

3. How is impetigo treated? 

4. What is folliculitis and how does it present itself? 

5. How is folliculitis treated & what are some teaching points you would include to patients about managing this condition?

6. Furuncles and carbuncles are likely to occur in patients with which underlying conditions? 

7. What is a furuncle? 

8. Can a carbuncle form as a progression of a furuncle? Explain this. 

9. Apart from the physical signs and symptoms of cellulitis, including erythema, edema, and tenderness, what are some systemic clinical manifestations of this condition? 

Viral skin infections: Herpes zoster & herpes simplex (HSV) type 1 & 2

10. Herpes zoster, also known as shingles stems from exposure to which virus? Can this condition be contagious?

11. Explain the signs and symptoms that are seen in each of the 3 phases of herpes zoster: pre-eruptive, active eruptive, and post-herpatic neuralgia. 

12. How is herpes zoster treated? 

13. Is there any way to prevent this condition? 

14. What is the difference between herpes simplex type 1 & 2? 

15. Can HSV still be spread even if lesions are not present? 

16. What are a few teaching points to provide to patients to help prevent the spread of HSV?

Fungal skin infections: Candidiasis, Tinea corporis, Tinea pedis 

17. Candidiasis is a yeast-like fungal infection that most commonly presents itself as a red, smooth, yet scaly rash. What are some risk factors for this fungal infection? 

18. What is the oral form of candidiasis called and how is it treated? 

19. What is tinea corporis & what is its unique presentation which helps with identification of this condition? 

20. What body part is affected by tinea pedis? 

21. What are some risk factors for tinea pedis?

Parasitic skin infections: Pediculosis, Scabies 

22. How is pediculosis capitis, also known as head lice transmitted? 

23. How is head lice treated? 

24. What precautions need to be taken for a household where one member has head lice? 

25. Describe how scabies affect a human. 

26. What precautions need to be taken for a household where one member is infected by scabies?

Non-infectious Inflammatory skin conditions: Eczema, Psoriasis

27. Although the etiology of contact dermatitis (eczema) is unknown, what are some possible causes of this condition?

28. What are some teaching points to include for patients regarding the therapeutic management of eczema? See Chart 61-3. 

29. Psoriasis is a condition that is thought of as autoimmune in nature, with a potential genetic predisposition. People affected by psoriasis tend to experiences periods of exacerbations and remission throughout life. How does psoriasis present itself, and can it affect other areas besides just the skin?

30. What are the main goals of medical management for psoriasis?