Intelligence Report FINAL

This is the final paper on regards to the draft that is the file attached on the assignment

Intelligence Report Assignment
The intelligence report requires analytical thinking and avoids reportorial content. This type of report presents concise and direct explanation of events, interpretations of the events significance, forward-thinking recommendations, and the implications of events and actions. In other words, the intelligence report involves an in-depth report with analytical commentary.

Primary questions to ask yourself about how to think about the intelligence product
The evaluative purpose of the assessment report asks you to reflect on the following questions as you draft your report:
What is known?
What is new or being done differently?
What has changed? Why has it changed?
Why is it happening now?
Who are the actors/drivers? What are the goals and/or broader concerns of the principal actors?
What factors influence success or failure? Are the actors aware of these factors? Do they have a strategy/program to deal with the factors? What are the threats, if any?
What are the prospects for success and what are the implications for the actors, the broader concerns, the United States, and other countries?
Whats next? What assumptions do we face?
What are the anticipated consequences?
Are there any alternatives or opportunities?
In other words: WHY? HOW? SO WHAT?

You are to assume a historical perspective by evaluating the outlook (whats next?) and its implications (what does that mean for the audience?).

Intelligence writing requires analytic thinking; to be analytical, you must identify significant facts for interpretation. Your report, then, must begin with conclusions and explore implications, must write for generalists who face real problems, must concentrate on essentials only (meaningful characterizations and relevant information only), and avoid prescribing policy.

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): Title embodies full scope of the subject matter and the summary lead (sentence that follows the title in the first paragraph) follows forward from the title (builds on title), completes the analysis, and offers clear road-maps of the report.
FORMAT: 1-2 pages ONLY, single spaced. No title page required. 1 inch margins only.
Title: embodies the summary lead and must attract the reader
Lead Sentence (always in italics): first sentence to follow the title and builds from the title; lead sentence should complete the analysis by offering the road map to the piece
Main Text: The argument: begins with conclusions and explores their implications; your report should ONLY focus on 3 key points with supporting details and explanations.
Specificity: key players, locations, in-depth identifications, threats, drivers, etc
Background/Collateral information (i.e, contradicts press reports or supports press reports)
Analytic comments for insight: alternatives/opportunities, whats next, anticipated consequences; focus on the FUTURE with essentials only that provide meaningful characterizations
LANGUAGE: The key element to remember in your writing is to communicate effectively. Keep your language simple yet professional, easily digestible, and within 8th-9th grade reading levels.
AUDIENCE: The Busy Customer. Remember the main qualities of your audience: a decision-maker, non-technical expert, pressed for time, the generalist, engaged in the political environment, and wants adjustable and unique information.