intercore Assigment




The objective of the integrated semester is to help you extend your knowledge of how the 

finance, operations, management, and marketing disciplines work and how they integrate 

their functioning in the real world of business. This assignment is an assessment of how well 

you understand this integration. This assignment will be dealing with STARBUCKS and has 2 


Listed below you will find some WEAKNESSES and THREATS for Starbucks, read them 

carefully then proceed to answer the questions that follow: 

Starbuck Weakness:

1) Customers not willing to wait in long lines at stores during morning rush hour and 

lunch hour.

2) Coffee dominant business with a poor reputation for creativity around new product and 

companion product development.

3) Too dependent on word of mouth to create brand awareness.

Starbucks Threats: 

1) Better value offered by local coffee house shops and national companies like Dunkin 

Donuts and McDonalds McCafe.

2) Downturn in the economy can decrease customer traffic and spending.


1). Assume you are the Vice President of Marketing for Starbucks. Select 1 Weakness and 1 

Threat from the list provided above, and explain how you would recommend taking that 

selected weakness and turning it into a strength and the selected threat and turning it into an 


Part 2:

Provide 2 explanations as follows:

2a) Explain how the weakness turned into a new strength would impact the 

disciplines of Marketing, Finance, Management and Operations.6

2b) Explain how the threat turned into a new opportunity would impact the 

disciplines of Marketing, Finance, Management and Operations.