International Business

Please choose from 4 out of the 6 Questions below and write on them.  I expect 3/4 – 1 page of text for each answer.  

1.  What are the pros and cons of globalization and their impact on international companies?  Please provide a minimum of 3 examples on each side of the argument – 3 pros and 3 cons.  Use specific company examples in your answers. 

2.  Name external factors that impact international business.  Please provide a minimum of 3 examples and explain why they impact international companies.  Company examples is always useful.  

3.  What is the impact of culture on international business and companies.  Please provide a minimum of 3 examples.  Company and country examples is mandatory.  

4.  What is the impact of corruption on international companies and on the economies in countries where corruption is rampant.  Please provide a minimum of 3 examples.  Company and country examples is mandatory.  

5.  What factors must be considered when putting an international team of leaders, managers, supervisors, and staff together?  Please provide a minimum of 3 examples and relate them to a specific country and company. 

6.  What is the impact of specific Trade Agreements on international companies.  Please provide a minimum of 3 examples.  Company and country examples is mandatory.