Internet Career Builder Exercise

Internet Career Builder Exercise

1. There are a number of resources for email marketing, which is predicted by Kiplinger to be a top ten job opportunity in the next few years. The Email Marketers Club group on LinkedIn indicates a number of jobs, some of which require experience. For entry-level jobs in email, here are a few titles:
Email marketing analyst
Email marketing producer
Email marketing manager
Email marketing coordinator
Email marketing also may be included in internet analyst or other online marketing positions
2.Select an email job title from the previous list or from your own search. Outline the responsibilities of that position. You may find it useful to locate job postings on the web in order to understand the job requirements.
3.Outline knowledge and experience from classes, internships, full- or part-time jobs, and volunteer work that prepare you for this specific position.
4.Prepare five questions you could ask at a job interview. The questions should exhibit your understanding of the position requirements without lecturing the interviewer about what he already knows.