
 Conduct a VIRTUAL informational interview with an alumni, employer, classmate, or other professional who has at least 7 years of PROFESSIONAL work experience in a field that you are interested in. This is different than the ACTION STEP 2 assignment, which was your practice round. All interviews must be conducted either on the phone, or over a computer video application (Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, etc.) Text messaging is NOT allowed.Have form signed by person you interview (electronic or handwritten). Also, include copy of Business Card WITH A BUSINESS NOT PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS of person interviewed (or contact information if person does not have business cards); a one-page summary of the meeting that includes information on where and when you met, discussion content (specific topics covered) and a LinkedIn profile link or other summary of person’s work history; and a copy of the “thank -you” email (see Webcourses for email guidelines). If your subject’s professional qualifications are not included or don’t meet the requirements, you WILL NOT receive credit for this activity. Activity Verification Requirements Students who wish to submit their Informational Interviews for the Career To-DO List assignment will need to keep the following requirements in mind: The person you interview or shadow must be in a PROFESSIONAL position. This means they are currently working in a full-time (40+ hrs/wk) salaried, non-exempt position AND their role includes one or more of the following: Supervision of two or more people Autonomy determining operational STRATEGY AND EXECUTION (this can include business ownership) Decision making authority over business unit strategy and execution Responsibility for business unit budget and/or performance to established budgetary goals Additionally, they must have had these responsibilities for SEVEN OR MORE years. Following up after an Informational Interview or Job Shadow is critical. No professional is going to want to give their time to a student who simply walks away. Therefore, to get assignment credit, you will need to send the professional a thank you note NO LATER THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS after your meeting that includes the following: Thanks Sincerely thank the person for their time. If this was a referral, mention the person who connected you to them. Summary Summarize what you learned. This could include new concepts discussed, suggested action that you should take, or business challenges the professional shared with you. You reached out to them to learn, what did you learn? Action What will you DO as a result of this experience? This can include your response to advice they shared, suggestions or ideas to help them with a challenge, or even a referral so someone else in your network that can help them. Networking is about helping others; how were you helped, and how can you help? Appreciation Close by restating your appreciation and let them know you will keep them updated on your progress. The professional must have a professional “” email address. Emails to Gmail, Yahoo and other similar addresses will cause the activity to be denied. Additionally, you will need to cc your class ([email protected]) on the email. Follow the “Thank you note” format above. After the professional you interviewed responds, include a copy of your email exchange with your submission. NOTE: To save a .pdf version of your email exchange with the professional: Wait for their reply / response to your thank you. Open the email and select Print (Ctrl-P in Windows) When the Print dialog box opens, select “Save to PDF” as your Printer Follow the instructions to save your document and use this in your activity submission.  

  • Write a summary of your interview or job shadow experience and include the summary in your submission.  Your summary should be AT LEAST one full page and at a minimum will include:
    • The date and time of your meeting and how you communicated with your subject.
    • Brief background on the subject’s experience, how you know them, and why you feel it is valuable to speak with them.
    • A list of the questions that you asked
    • A summary of their answers
    • A complete and specific paragraph on how you will leverage the subject’s advice in your career search.
  • Include a resume, link to a LinkedIn profile, link to a company website bio, or some other documentation of your subjects professional qualifications. Subjects whose professional qualifications cannot be documented will not be approved for assignment credit / points.
  • Send a thank you note to the professional after your meeting and CC your course email () on the note. Include a copy of your note and your subject’s response with your submission.  NOTE:  To save a .pdf version of your email exchange with the subject:
    • Wait for their reply / response to your thank you.
    • Open the email and select Print (Ctrl-P in Windows)
    • When the Print dialog box opens, select “Save to PDF” as your Printer
    • Follow the instructions to save your document and use this in your activity submission
  • Include either a business card or the subjects contact information (professional business email and phone number) with your submission.