Help writing 8 page interview paper
Part I: The Nature of the Job (5 points)
• Name of the agency
• The social worker’s job title
• Range of the social worker’s responsibilities and activities
• The kinds of clients they work with
• The kinds of problems or challenges faced by their clients
Part II: The Social Worker’s Background (4 points)
• Background to why they chose to became a social worker (including any relevant life or
job experiences)
• Their educational and field placement background
Part III: The Social Worker’s Professional Life (6 points)
• A typical day in the social worker’s week
• How they interact with other professionals
• Positive client outcomes that the social worker hopes for
• Negative client outcomes that sometimes occur
• Three rewarding aspects of the job and three major challenges in carrying out the job
Part IV: Summary Impressions (6 points)
• How did this assignment enhance your understanding of social work practice?
• How did the information you gathered affect your attitude about the social work
Part V: Organization (4 points)
• Ideas are organized effectively and in a clear and organized way that meets the
assignment parameters
• Language, content, and tone are appropriate for a professional social work audience
Quality and depth of responses
• quality of your responses in each of the four sections.