Intro to community health rise


Reflecting on the film, City Rising, respond to these prompts:

  • Provide a specific example of how each of the following community organizing/building methods was demonstrated in the film City Rising:
  • Planning & Policy Practice
  • Community Capacity Development
  • Social Advocacy
  • Next, select one of the aforementioned community organizing/building methods and describe how it is being used in one of the major social justice/civil rights movements that has occurred within the US in the past few years.

Now, think about Part I of the PowerPoint where we learned about health promotion programming and respond to this prompt:

  • Identify one program/intervention on the Cal State LA campus (or virtually) that addresses a health, well-being, and/or student success issue among   students and describe that program.  If a link to a website for that program exists, please include it.  For example, the Mind Matters program was highlighted in the PowerPoint as a program/intervention designed to support student well-being as a means of encouraging student success.  (HINT: If you are new to campus or have not accessed many programs/interventions on campus, a quick search on the “Student Success” [] or “Campus Life” [] sections of the Cal State LA webpage might be great places to start.)