Intro To Social Work.

Learning resources for this week




To prepare, consider your social identity based on race/ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, age, and/or ability. Visit a social activity or public space in which the majority of people are from a social identity different from your own.


Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you draw from the assigned resources to critically reflect on the experience of being a minority in a specific situation.

The Assignment should address each of the following points:

  • Describe the experience.
  • Reflect on the experience and consider:
    • What were your preconceptions or expectations before the experience?
    • What were your reactions to, thoughts about, and/or emotional responses to the experience?
    • What did you gain or learn from this experience?
  • Explain privilege in relation to this social identity.
  • Apply concepts and material from this week’s resources to the experience.
    • Support your application of this week’s resources using APA citations and a reference page.