Issues in Music writing assignment and discussion post

 Writings are to be no less than 300 words, and no more than 400 words, in length, and will be assessed taking into account five areas: 1) word count; 2) summarize the key changes in scholarly perspective over time on the particular topic for each module; 3) critical compare and contrast opposing claims; 4) clear expression of your perspective on the subject matter; and, 5) use of proper grammar and punctuation.  

There will be a VERY FIRM due date for each writing assignment. For module 2, your paper should reflect your knowledge of the issues, for copyright holders and bootleggers, particularly involving song sheets, and is due by 11:59pm, May 25. Any late, or missing writing assignment will result in no credit for the writing assignment. This will have a very serious effect on your class grade. It is in your best interest that you keep up on writing assignments!


Pop Song Piracy: Disobedient Music Distribution since 1929

Chapter 1: Tim Pan Alley’s Near-Perfect Distribution System

Chapter 2: Bootlegging Song Sheets

Chapter 3: The Content and Uses of Song Sheets 


Discussion post:

 Keeping in mind the material covered by each discussion board you are to 1) critically compare and contrast opposing claims regarding the topic for each Module, and 2) discuss the key changes in perspective regarding the topic for each Module. In each Module, the financial loss by copyright owners and the potential gained notoriety from illegal discrimination of their intellectual property should be considered. 


While anything from Chapters 1-3 if fair game for this discussion, I would like us to start our discussions with the following as prompts (NOTE: These are only suggestions – you do not have to post on these particular topics):

1. On page 35 the author asks the question, “Could song owners cut sheet-music publishers out of the deal and work directly with song-sheet publishers, for songs not yet published in sheet-music form?” What do you think of this? Elaborate on your thoughts. Also, what other similar questions have come up in more recent times, with other copyrighted material?

2. “The end of bootlegging.” The author presents some possible explanations. What are your thoughts concerning what caused the downfall of bootlegging in this era?

3. On page 51 the author asks, “Who won the song-sheet battle?” What do you think, and why?

4. What were the results in our culture because of the onset of the phonograph and other innovations like it to come?