IT Service Management Implementation In Media (Video Streaming Platform)

Implementation of IT service management in Media (Video streaming platform)

Prepare a presentation

To be covered:

How does XXXXXXX get there paragraph one            – give example(s)

Action – itil4 is not a magic word                                   – give examples

Did they – how does pricing show that educational objectives are met?

Why do you need a third party – look at the practices for what group can provide

Momentum – show how this is ongoing…;

Continual improvement- give examples – don’t give definitions (only)

Change control- strict compliance- how?

Incident -give an example of how an incident will be managed (and improved)

“Problem reviews are usually considered as secondary. “<– what does this mean?

Service requests- what about reviews?

Service desk- what about self service?


“It attempted, but failed, to include elements of ITIL 4. “- for example, show they were doing X and they did Y to mitigate and improve