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Country Analysis:Each studentwilldevelop expertise on aselectedcountry by regularly reading news articles and other material from and about the country.  Using the country resources available in the schools library databases and on the Web, you will conduct research to provide the most recent assessment of the country.  This is not a cut and paste processthat amounts to plagiarism (see Academic Dishonesty in the syllabus).  You will needto write a useful narrative of the topicsthat gives the reader an understanding of the country as a place to do business.  A final report should include:1.Introduction 2.Background on the country useful for an International Business person, cultural environments facing someone conducting business in the country 3.The political, legal and economic environment, FDI, business ethics, corruption, geography 4.Prospect as a trading partner, government policies on international trade, direction and terms of trade, attractiveness as a site for foreign direct investment5.Participation in cross-national cooperation and agreements, regional trading blocks, FTAs and other forms of international economic integration 6.Any major trends and events affecting its standing in the global business environment. The goal is to integrate and apply the knowledge gained in this class in the context of your assigned country analysis.  Note: This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin to check for plagiarism.Paper RequirementsThe paper must be at least 6 pages(body of the paper excluding cover page and references). The paper must follow the APAs, Publication Manual 6th Ed. for formal writing.Paper Specifications:Title Page with Title of the assignment, Students Names, Date, Course, & Instructors Name APA Format-which means, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper, using 12 point Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri