ITM 491- Assignment – I.T. Strategy and Architecture

Assignment GradingCourse NameI.T. Strategy and ArchitectureStudent’s nameProfessor’s name [Optional]University Information Technology (IT) Strategy and ArchitectureA good IT strategic idea requires a planning model based on the informationarchitecture that is available with the organization. Information architecture refers to thestructure of all the information systems that are present in an organization.In the most straightforward view an IT engineering comprises of a depiction of themix of equipment programming information work force and broadcast communicationscomponents inside an association alongside methods to utilize them. Information architecturefor an association ought to direct the long-extend advancement and in addition take intoaccount responsiveness to differing short-go data frameworks requests. Informationarchitecture and the business strategy for an organization go hand in hand.One such example of such limitation of IT strategy is of healthcare organizations.Information technology plays a very important role in healthcare organizations as it helps inimproving the efficacy and quality of patient care. Even the healthcare practitioners layemphasis on a sound IT strategy for the organization but it has been found that IT strategieshas been falling miserably in healthcare organizations and the main reason behind being thelack of a proper information architecture for the implementation of the same. Many studieshave found out that the misalignments within the IT strategy as well as proper informationarchitecture are the main reason behind such failures. [Ive13]The reliance on Information Technology (IT) has expanded logically for associationsas a deliberately imperative upper hand. On the off chance that arranged created andoversaw legitimately IT can achieve more prominent proficiency in authoritative operations better workplaces and powerful basic leadership processes. Therefore numerous associationsare attempting to get up to speed the improvement hole with the business by improving theinformation architecture first. Technology procurement process is fundamental in building up a decent administration data framework for an association. Numerous IT anticipates havefizzled in light of poor outline arranging bogus determination of the improvement and anabsence of follow up on key points of reference tended to in the obtaining procedure. [Rah06] ReferencesIveroth E. Fryk P. & Rapp B. (2013). Information technology strategy and alignmentissues in health care organizations. Health care management review 38(3) 188-200.Rahardjo E. (2006). Decision Making in Information Technology Acquisition: A SystemsAnalysis Approach. Information Systems Analysis (IS 6840).