JAVA program


a. Write a Java program that is reading from the keyboard a value between 111 and 900 and is printing on the screen the prime factors of the number.

Your program should use a cycle for validating the input (if the value typed from the keyboard is less than 111 or bigger than 900 to print an error and ask the user to input another value).

Also the program should print the prime factors in the order from smallest to biggest. 

For example,

for the value 128 the program should print 128=2*2*2*2*2*2*2 

for the value 122 the program should print: 122=2*61

b. change the program at a. to print one time a prime factor but provide the power of that factor:

for the value 128 the program should print 128=2^7

for the value 122 the program should print: 122=2^1*61^1