John Howard Griffin used his creative imagination to “pass” as a “Negro” in the late 1950’s in order to learn “truths” about the lives of Negroes and their relationships with White people at that time in America. With specific references and cites to Black Like Me as evidence to support your critical analysis, pick one “truth” that you believe Griffin learned, and how Griffin explained what he had newly learned to himself. You must also specifically discuss, with critical analysis, YOUR opinion of Griffin’s self-explanation of the “truth” that you have identified as his. For example, AND ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF STIMULATING YOUR THOUGHTS: Is it flawed? Does it miss an important point(s)? Is it sound?, and so on.
The paper must be between 5 and 6 pages, maximum, exclusive of reference/citations pages. Please also note that the writing standards and requirements stated for Writing Assignment #1 shall also apply for this paper
Guidelines for Written Assignment
Your assignment must be double-spaced
Times New Roman 12pt Font. 5-6 pages
Griffin, J. H. (2004). Black Like Me. New American Library.