John Locke on continuity of consciouness

Please briefly answer the following question
Short Essays: Short essay questions on material explored will be circulated two weeks in advance of essays due dates. There will be two sets of five or six short essay questions distributed, and you will need to complete two options from each set. They must not be very long and must be no longer than 750 words or less per option (1500 words or less per set). Short essays may be rewritten (after they are first marked). We will discuss expectations for these further in class.

A few tips:   

    Please be sure to answer questions in as much depth and detail as possible. (Note that we will of course keep in mind that you only have a maximum of approximately 750 words to write each of your essays, but this also means that you should only include the most important and relevant bits of information.)

    Although we will discuss expectations for this course component more in class, as a rough guide, you should aim to make your answers clear, correct, and convincing. Excellent answers to these questions should (among other things, of course) be relatively easy to interpret, contain no factual errors, and be logically valid with strong supporting reasons provided. Remember to write as if you are explaining things to someone who is learning about what youre writing on for the first time!

Option 1 :
1.    John Locke argues that personhood consists in what we might call continuity of consciousness. Please explain: i) one of the arguments that he provides in support of this view, ii) one counterargument to it, and iii) whether we should think that this counterargument is successful in undermining his position or not.

Explain this opinion in max 750 words.