

1. Watch “” video from the 1:58 seconds mark to the 13:38 seconds mark (). 

2. Now watch the Wise Choice Process 1 video () and the Rosa Parks and the .

What choice did Rosa Parks make? Why do you think Rosa made such a choice if she had been giving up her seat for years? What price was she willing to pay?  What was she really tired of? How did her choice benefit you and your community? There are 6 steps to the Wise Choice Process (Downing, 2017), how do you think Rosa Parks could have or used the wise choice process in her situation?  As a journal reflection listing the 6 steps to the Wise Choice Process, write and upload a one 1 page double spaced reflection using the questions I posed. Base your reflection on a problem you are currently facing. 

3. Go to the page and complete the O*Net Interest Profiler. Watch the if you need more guidance. But this is basically a questionaire which will assess your career interests. It should give you a letter code as illustrated in the video. Make a note of it. Write and upload a one page journal as a word document reflecting on the results you got. Do you agree or disagree?  What occupations relate to this code?  Does it match the information posted in the page? Or is there another pathway or questions these results make you think about? 

4. Upload your journals as word documents

Upload a file, or choose a file you’ve already uploaded.File: Add Another FileClick here to find a file you’ve already uploaded
rosa parks video-

my next move-