Journal 9: There is a maximum of 1500 characters. 1. To what extent do you believe that the United States, as a nation, follows the five basic principles? Does it follow other principles? E

Journal 9:  There is a maximum of 1500 characters.

1.       To what extent do you believe that the United States, as a nation, follows the five basic principles? Does it follow other principles? Explain.

2.       What is your moral position on the issue of suicide? How would you justify this stance?

3.       Analyze if taking of human life for self-defense is justifiable. Give reasons for your answer.

4.       What is terrorism, and how does it differ from other kinds of war?

5.       Is terrorism morally justified? Defend your position.

6.       What, in your opinion, would constitute a just alternative punishment to capital punishment and why?

7.       What are your views on permits that allow fellow citizens carrying firearms for self-defense? Give reasons for your stance.

8.       Was admiral Nimitz justified in his decision to end his own life? Is suicide always wrong? Explain your reasoning.