EDU 665
Instructions: Locate the professional journal article listed below in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Review the article thoroughly. Do not write a journal article summary. Respond to the questions that follow. All of the questions are literal comprehension questions, meaning the answers are in the text. Upload your completed assignment into D2L dropbox.
Article Title: Use of Peer Mediated Intervention in Children with Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Alicia N. Grauvogel-MacAleese & Michele D. Wallace, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Fall 2010, Vol 43 No. 3, pp 547-551.
1. What were the two purposes of the study?
2. How did the trained observers score responses from the children?
3. (a) Explain the interobserver agreement (IOA) process, as used in the study.
(b) What were the results of the IOA?
4. Describe how the investigator (author) conducted ‘training’ before treatment sessions began.
5. Describe how the demand condition was conducted in the study.
6. Review data on Figure 1, pg 549, one graph for each child. Which child had the highest percentage affecting off-task behavior, being sensitive to peers?
7. What type of design was used to reflect the results of the study?
8. How was the treatment phase conducted?
9. Review the treatment analysis on Figure 2.
(a) How did Drew’s behavior change from baseline to the end of treatment? (List Drew’s scores from baseline and treatment)
(b) During the follow up data collection on Drew, how would you describe his performance one month after treatment?
10. (a) What did the results of this study demonstrate?
(b) Describe at least three difficulties encountered during the study.