journal assignment

 Click on the Journal Finder tab in the center of the page. 


Getting Started

Using MCC’s Journal Finder, copy and paste one of the journal titles listed below into the online library tool to explore articles within it. 

  • Journal of Higher Education
  • Review of Higher Education
  • Research in Higher Education
  • Higher Education
  • ASHE Higher Education Report

Research Steps

Once you have settled upon a journal and an article, provide the following information in your summary:

  • Name of journal:
  • Alternate title:
  • ISSN:
  • Peer reviewed:
  • Publication dates:
  • Database:
  • Citation: (Cite the article in . Check out these free
  • Summary:


  • Name of journal: Journal of teacher education 
  • Alternate title: No
  • ISSN: 0022-4871 
  • Peer reviewed: Yes
  • Publication dates: 01/01/1997 to Present
  • Database: Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete
  • Citation (APA): Acosta, M. M. (2019). The Paradox of Pedagogical Excellence Among Exemplary Black Women Educators. Journal of Teacher Education, 70(1), 26+. Retrieved from
  • Summary:

Article Summary Criteria

Select a full text  article available as a pdf (or print it as a pdf) and published within the last 5 years. Choose an article that is personally meaningful.  Type your summary into the text box. Upload the pdf of the article into the assignment box.

  • Provide the credentials and/or professional affiliation of the author(s)
  • Summarize the article focusing on important points, claims, and information
  • Discuss the relevance of the article to your role as a professor, the students, or course you are teaching

MCCs Library Webpage

Provide any additional information about the webpage. Have you used the journal finder before? If so, how? If not, why?