Journal Club assignment


  • The purpose of this assignment is to develop the Discussion Guide you would utilize as the leader of a journal club on your unit discussing the article you chose .
  • The course faculty members have selected a variety of articles that you may choose from to accomplish this assignment.  Please note that you may ONLY use articles from this preselected list for this assignment. No other articles will be accepted.
  • Select one article that interests you from the listing on the course resource module. You will use this article for the Journal Club Discussion Guide, evaluating it section by section as the course progresses. This ongoing process is your critique of the article and the basis for your discussion guide.  This process is documented by you in the weekly assignments or discussions.  Your discussions are not your complete guide content but are commentary on the processes you are using to finalize that content.  Share your insights about the topics, resources that helped you determine your content.
  • To assist you, the following article will clarify elements of the journal club and facilitating the discussion.  
    Ravin, C.R. (2012). Implementation of a journal club on adult learning and nursing professional development. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 43(10). 451-455.  doi:10.3928/00220124-20120702-16. (available FREE in FSW Library). 
  • Each week you will critique different areas of the article.  As you complete this activity, you will also develop and write the corresponding section of the guide.  
  • Remember that you are reviewing one article and that the guidelines must be answered/ explained for that article.
  • An additional component of this process is peer input and feedback, which is accomplished by the assignments corresponding to your paper development.
  • Use APA format and style for the paper. Include an accurate reference page and title page.
  • Use the form provided in CANVAS course.  The length is determined by your comments in the form.  You will need a title page and referene page.  Comments can be bullet lists but must reflect your knowledge to support guiing a discussion.  You will need supportive references for your coments in the guide.
  • You must address each area listed under the guidelines below to receive a successful score.  Points will be deducted for each item omitted.
  • You should have additional references that support your comments in the guide.  These might be ones from your dicussions. Use APA cites in the coments and construct your reference page to attach.
  • See the scholarly paper rubric for scoring.
  • You will be developing a Journal Club Discussion Guideline in this assignment.   You are leading the Journal Club using the article you have chosen from the three listed.  As the leader you need to be prepared to facilitate the discussion.  Knowledge of the article is critical.  You must use the guideline document provided.
    Preview the document
    The guideline document will follow APA formatting (student paper) with title page and references.   You will need to have references to cite and support the comments you are placing in the guideline.  See rubric fro grading criteria. 

Other information: Do not use quotes from any source or author. The use of quotes just tells us what the author/reference material states. Summarize or paraphrase in your own words, and cite properly using APA Style for any references used in discussion. This allows your colleagues to locate the information. This also eliminates plagiarism.

I have attached an example of what it should look like and the article to review.