Journal Entry 188

This journal assignment will help you reflect on your advocacy strategies from your article readings and any other outside sources you find. Remember advocacy is defined as public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. 

The Assignment
Complete the Reflective Journal assignment using the topic assigned.

Journal TopicThink about advocacy strategies.  What strategies do you find yourself using most often and why? Are they effective?  Are they effective? Which strategies have you seen implemented effectively that made a difference in the lives of (a) child(ren)?    

Acceptable Length
The journal must be a minimum of 2 paragraphs, each paragraph must be at least 5-7 sentences in length. The first paragraph should contain a description of the event, activity, or interaction that pertains to the topic.  Be specific and detailed to give a clear understanding of the event, activity or situation you have selected.The second paragraph is your chance to reflect on the event, activity, or interaction. As you reflect, think about what you learned, what could have been done better or differently, or what went exceptionally well.  Perhaps this will cause you to change your practice with children and families.  Remember this is your chance to respond honestly and think about your role as an early childhood professional. How have you grown as a professional? These are all suggested to help you reflect, it is not necessary to include all the suggestions in your reflective paragraph. 

Grading Criteria Journals are worth 100% and are 2% of your overall grade.

  • 10 points are deducted if an  is not included in the second paragraph.
  • 10 points are deducted if  paragraphs are not included
  • 10 points are deducted if the minimum 5-7 sentences requirement is not met in both paragraphs.
  • 0 20 points are deducted for spelling and grammar
  • 0 20 points are deducted if the event, activity, or interaction does not relate to the given topic.