1Kaplan University School of Health SciencesHI215 Unit 6 AssignmentComparison Table for PPSs in Post-Acute Care (PAC)Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:Explain the grouping models and payment formulas associated with reimbursementunder the Medicare and Medicaid payment systems for post-acute careCourse outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment:HI215-2: Examine the reimbursement processes of different health insurance plans.Instructions: Comparison Table for PPSs in Post-Acute Care (PAC)You have examined numerous payment models thus far for Medicare-Medicaid PPSsystems for both inpatient and non-inpatient services.Choose five of the services addressed in Chapters 6and 7 (Inpatient Physicians HOPPS ACS ESRD Safety Net or Hospice) and prepare a comparison table of the five settingsto include the following:o Name of Settingo Structure of PPS Payment Systemo Potential Adjustmentso Example payment for serviceo Special CircumstanceAn example table is illustrated below. Your table may be developed in Excel PowerPoint or a Word document.Provide a narrative to accompany your table explaining the five services you haveoutlined and their payment structure.RequirementsIf table is developed in Excel or PowerPoint copy and paste into your Word document.Submit the completed table and narrative to the Unit 6 Dropbox.