
Taste Tests (300 words each for Part and reference)

Taste tests are a tool that marketers have been using for decades. One soda maker giant has been conducting a challenge since the mid-1970s. A fast-food chain conducted a series of taste tests in 2008 that ended up being a successful campaign for the restaurant.

For this assignment, you will conduct a taste test using at least 7 participants. Select a packaged food product such as chips, cereal, cookies, or ice cream. You will use a brand name product and its store brand or generic counterpart. Be sure to compare 2 like products. For example: Do not have a taste test of a savory cereal and a fruity cereal. You need to compare the fruity cereal with a generic or store brand fruity cereal. After the taste test, ask each respondent what brand of the product he or she usually buys before revealing the selected product.

Hint: Food and lifestyle magazines and Web sites publish taste tests periodically. It may be a good idea to see how they compare various products so that you have a better idea of how to conduct your study.

Note: Remember that the discussion takes place over 2 weeks, and your weekly posts must be made in the specified week to earn credit.

Part 1

  • Provide a description of the process through which you collected the data.
  • Give an overview of the results using tables or charts and words.
  • Because you are engaging in research, be sure to cite your source(s) in APA format.

Part 2

 Analyze the results. Be sure to consider the respondents self-reported brand preference and their choice in the taste test.

  • Assess the implications. How can a marketer use the results in its marketing communications plan?
  • Because you are engaging in research, be sure to cite your source(s) in APA format.