kirkpatrick’s 4 level

Please discuss this week’s readings and multimedia with your team by answer the following question: 

  1. Under what conditions would you be able to measure all 4 levels of evaluation for an HRD or WD program?
  2. Does the program your team has selected for your project meet these conditions? Why or why not? If not, which levels can you evaluate and how?                                            Your first post is due by Wednesday, Feb 24th, and you must post at least one reply to a teammate (due Sunday, March 1). Your reply should move the discussion forward, by briefly summarizing the post you are replying to and sharing your perspective and new knowledge. Perhaps end that post with a question to spawn further discussion. Use white space, tables, and bullets as needed for ease of reading. In addition, please limit each post from 100 to 300 words.

The overall goal of this discussion is to move your group closer to a full draft of its evaluation plan, as the first draft is due on March 7. You may continue the discussion off-line (via Zoom, etc), but I would like you to start the discussion by each posting your ideas to this discussion board so that I can observe your reasoning, etc.

The rubric below outlines the expectations for substantive posts and the possible points you can earn (total assignment worth 5% of course grade).




Quality of Posts

(3 points)

The student responds with a thorough explanation, questions viewpoints with evidence, presents an imaginative viewpoint, or synthesizes others’ viewpoints. In addition, the student concludes with a logical or reflective explanation of the discussion topic. Critical thinking is achieved. The student completely answers all of the questions, describing what happened, its significance, and how to move forward with a new or reinforced understanding. 

The student responds with some explanation and analysis of the evidence. Nevertheless, synthesis of viewpoints and a conclusion is not achieved. The post comprises some description of the students experience and mentions course concepts or the student did not post this week.

Quantity of Posts

(1 point)

The student answers other students questions and engages in a substantive number of posts–at least two posts–to achieve critical thinking.

The student completes at least one required post that is substantive.

APA 6th Edition Formatting

(1 point)

The student cites and references according to APA 6th edition formatting style guidelines.

Citations and references are evident but incorrectly formatted.
