Laboratory for Diagnosis, Symptom and Illness Management


Soap Note 1 Acute Conditions Pick any Acute Disease from Weeks 1-5 (see syllabus)   Immunologic Diseases and  Disorders Guillain-Barr Syndrome HIV/AIDS Hodgkin Lymphoma Leukemia Lupus Multiple Myeloma Multiple Sclerosis Scleroderma Sjgren Syndrome  Atelectasis Basal/Squamous Cell Carcinoma Bronchitis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary  Disease and Emphysema Cystic Fibrosis Influenza Legionnaires’ Disease Sleep Apnea, Obstructive Pleural Effusion Pneumonia Pulmonary Emboli Sarcoidosis Tuberculosis (TB) 

Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.

Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide:

Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations. The use of tempates is ok with regards of Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, The Assessment and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made up patient. 

Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)

Turn it in Score must be less than 50% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 50%. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.