Lakota Woman

No more than 2-3 typed, double-spaced pages. Assignment requirements:

(1) thesis statement/argument,

(2) answers to the questions posed below,

(3) research using at least 1 additional source on the movement you intend to compare with AIM (American Indian Movement),

(4) parenthetical/citations and works cited, or bibliography

Assignment Questions:

1)What were Native Americans trying to achieve through social protest and the occupation of sites like Wounded Knee?

2)Using specific examples from Lakota Woman, what was the purpose of the Wounded Knee takeover?

3)What did it accomplish?

4)Finally, put these movements in a larger context: what connections can you draw between the strategies/tactics used by AIM and ONE other civil rights movement/historical event?

For example, you could compare AIM and the Black Panthers, UFW (United Farm Workers), or NOW (National Organization for Women).