Language Arts

Compare and Contrast Texts


  • Use the texts “After the Hurricane” and “Ninth Ward” to fill in the chart below then answer the questions. Make sure you go back and re-read sections. You may also listen to the audio clip on “Ninth Ward” on your phone or tablet (the part we’re reading stops at 7:33).
  • If it helps you to first create a Venn Diagram like we did in class yesterday, you may do that on notebook paper.
  • This assignment is two pages long.


  “After the Hurricane” “Ninth Ward”
Key statements










Significant Events










Memorable Images














Analyze the Text Questions 


  1. Identify: How are the speaker in “After the Hurricane” and the narrator in Ninth Ward similar?




  1. Compare: How are the circumstances faced by the poem’s speaker and the novel’s narrator different? How are their responses to their circumstances different?





  1. Draw Conclusions: What have you learned from these selections about what it takes to be a survivor?