LAW ANALYSIS: LANDMARK COURT CASES COMPARISON ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW Before the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, children with disabilities commonly received unequal treatment in United Sta



Before the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, children with disabilities commonlyreceived unequal treatment in United States public schools. A movement to compel states toprovide equal educational opportunities for children with disabilities eventually emerged fromparents and advocacy groups. For this assignment, you will examine foundational cases that haveimpacted the right to education for children with disabilities.

INSTRUCTIONS1. Review the Chapter 2 reading in the Kirk et al. text.2. Using Jerry Falwell Library’s database or the Gale search engine, select and research twomajor special education court cases (i.e., not laws).3. In the Law Analysis: Landmark Course Cases Comparison Template provided withthis assignment, state the facts of each of your two selected cases, the rulings, and theimplications for special education.Citations from a minimum of two credible sources are required. List all sources on a referencespage in current APA format. A title page in current APA format must also be included.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.