

Using the links above please complete the following; Cite references in APA format please:

 Part 1: In paragraph form write your response to based off each requirement:

1.Wrestle with the essential question(s) from the module and respond to it/them. Answer the essential question(s) clearly and concisely, providing evidence and/or examples for claims made. Make sure to cite/reference the LEA materials [using APA]

2. Making connections to current events. Have you had any personal experience with the topic or see examples of it in the news or other social media outlets? 

3. Be reflexive over how the material has shaped your previous and present understandings of the topic. What were your thoughts prior to going over the LEA materials? What are your thoughts after? Are there changes in the way you view something? Are there questions you still have? 


Responses that are exemplary 

  • wrestle with the essential question(s) by answering the question clearly and concisely
  • provide evidence or examples for claims
  • cite the majority of our readings/watchings
  • make connections to current events
  • are reflexive about how this has shaped their previous and present understandings of the topic