
CLO #2 – Effectively determine and summarize the role of leadership practices and commitment behaviors.

CLO #4 –  Formulate an understanding of the practices leaders use to foster innovation and implement change and apply those leadership practices along with commitment behaviors to global business situations. Effectively summarize how the role of corporate diversity and globalization impacts these practices.

CLO #6 – Create a comprehensive analysis of the leadership structure and types of leaders in your organization; generalize how well they implement the five (5) practices. Compare and contrast personal leadership style and develop a plan of action to enhance organizational effectiveness.

INSTRUCTIONS:  Write and develop an APA formatted paper (2 to 4 pages in length) about a non-existent or poorly implemented process in your work environment (past or present) and includes the following elements:

  1. Introduction to the topic
  2. A description of the situation resulting from a non-existent or poorly implemented process in your work environment (past or present).
  3. An explanation of how you might be able to improve the process (or processes) and how those actions will help you become a better leader.
  4. A description of the kinds of risk-taking and experiments you might need to undertake to change or improve the process.
  5. A description of the tradeoffs and potential benefits from the situation and improvement(s)
  6. A description of the planning process as determined by either Kotter’s Change Model or Lewin’s Change Model.
  7. A statement of how you will build commitment within the organization for the proposed change
  8. Conclusion
  9. References page which lists the textbook and at least three additional academic sources