
  • Chap 15
    1. Describe the sequential steps in staffingwhy are these important to know?
    2. Discuss the factors affecting staffing needs, particularly those around nursing shortages
    3. What type of nursing staff should leaders plan to hirewhy is this important to patient care?
    4. Name factors that affect nurse recruitment
    5. Define nurse retention and describe its importance to overall health of an organization
    6. Turnoverdescribe the good, the bad and the ugly of this important factor in nurse staffing
    7. Compare and contrast the structured vs unstructured interview process
    8. Describe the advantages of using a team approach to interviewing candidates
    9.  What is unconscious bias and how does it affect the hiring process?
    10. Name/define two aspects that define the hiring process
    11. Name 5 common job interview mistakes that you are most worried about for yourself (or have done at some point)
    12. Name 5 tips that help applicants during job interviewswhich ones will serve you best as you anticipate job interviews?
    13. What specific questions may not be asked on a job interview?
    14. Describe one behavioral type interview that you can expect to see in an interviewhow will YOU answer it?
    15. Define the induction and orientation phases of employment
    16. Chapter 16Educating and Socializing Staff in a Learning Organization
    17. Define a learning organization
    18. According to Senges model, what are the key characteristics of the learning organization?
    19. Compare and contrast the concepts of training vs education
    20. In adult learning theory, define pedagogy an andragogywhat are the differences and similarities?
    21. Define social learning theory and name three learning concepts that contribute to learning success
    22. Describe barriers to adult learning
    23. What characteristics support adult learning?
    24. Describe the three most important reasons for staff development
    25. Define the sequence for developing an educational program
    26. How do you determine that learning has occurred in staff development?
    27. Name and describe five strategies for promoting evidence-based practice in nursing
    28. What are the principle tenets of socialization in nursing?
    29. Who benefits from resocialization and why is it important to nurse managers?
    30. What is the role of a preceptor?
    31. Describe the mentoring characteristics
    32. Why is it important to monitor for group norms? What are the risks when there are behaviors outside the norms?
  • Chap 23Quality Control in Creating a Culture of Safety
    1. What is quality control and what is its importance to healthcare?
    2. Describe the functions of management as it relates to quality improvement.
    3. What criteria define Effective Quality Control programs?
    4. Define the three steps associated with the Quality Control Process?
    5. Define the steps in auditing Quality Control
    6. What are the standards associated with Quality Control?
    7. What role does the ANA play in quality control?
    8. Define Benchmarking and its role in an organizations approach to quality control/improvement
    9. What is a Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?
    10. Name three standardized nursing measureswhat do they measure and how does this contribute to quality control?
    11. What are the nursing-sensitive outcomes? Give 3 examples.
    12. What are clinical practice guidelines and what does EBP have to do with them?
    13. Define Quality Assurance and its evolution to Quality Improvementwhat is the difference?
    14. What are the main features of the Total Quality Management (TQM) system?
    15. Why is the Toyota Production System (TPS) valuable as a tool for healthcare quality?
    16. The Joint Commission (TJC) has much to say about quality improvement in healthcare. Define and name TJC Core Measures
    17. TJCNational Patient Safety Goals—name 3 current NPSGs
    18. Define and describe the role of TJC in accreditation of healthcare facilities
    19. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)how do their standards influence healthcare outcomes?
    20. What is the mnemonic HEDIS? What is its mandate for healthcare quality?
    21. What is the mnemonic HCHAPS? What does it measure that is important to patient care?
    22. What is the Just Culture system and how does it work to decrease medical errors?
    23. Define strategies to prevent medical errorsname examples of errors that have been addressed
    24. What are Leapfrog Initiatives?
    25. What is the Six Sigma Approach and its relationship to quality improvement?